Strengthening the Muscle or Moving the Weight?

When you visit the gym for your workout, are you there to strengthen the muscle or are you there to move the weight?  Is there a difference?  There is a lot of hype these days on moving the weight.  Yet moving the weight does not equate to strengthening the muscle.  What does that mean, "moving … Continue reading Strengthening the Muscle or Moving the Weight?

Muscle Activation Techniques® – What is it?

We are going to get right to the point and explain Muscle Activation Techniques® (MAT®). Muscle Activation Techniques®  (MAT®) is a revolutionary assessment for identifying and correcting muscular imbalances.  Often times muscular imbalances result in muscle and joint tightness, limited range of motion, and even pain.  Examples of this could be tight hamstrings, limited shoulder motion, … Continue reading Muscle Activation Techniques® – What is it?

Mental Discipline and Training: The New Process

By: Cody Grodzki Scheduling is regularly the crux of many climbers’ fitness routines, especially when it comes to managing time spent at work, at home, at the gym, and at the crag. Personal trainer Adam Macke of Macke Fitness has been refining his training schedule for the better part of six years, developing a process … Continue reading Mental Discipline and Training: The New Process